
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Interview and Viva Questions for Oracel

Which command should be issued before you can execute the CREATE DATABASE command?

How many control files are required to create a database?

If you have two redo log groups with four members each, how many disks does Oracle recommend to keep the redo log files?

What is the difference between groupby and orderby?

What does OFA stand for?

Which SHUTDOWN option will wait for the users to complete their uncommitted transactions?

If the application is running very slow? At what points you need to go about the database in order to improve the performance?

Which is not a system privilege? a. SELECT b. UPDATE ANY c. EXECUTE ANY d. CREATE TABLE

15. Which keyword should be used in the CREATE INDEX command to create a function –based index? A. CREATE FUNCTION INDEX… B. CREATE INDEX … ORGANIZATION INDEX C. CREATE INDEX… FUNCTION BASED … D. None of the above

Which of the following statements may require a temporary segment? a. CREATE TABLE b. CREATE INDEX c. UPDATE d. CREATE TABLESPACE

What are the recommended INITIAL and NEXT values for a temporary tablespace, to reduce fragmentation?

What are the valid status codes in the V$LOGFILE view?

How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance?

What is the biggest advantage of having the control files on different disks?

Which data dictionary view provides information on the version of the database and installed components?

Who owns the data dictionary?

How many data files can be specified in the DATAFILE clause when creating a database?

How do you correct a procedure that has become invalid when one of the tables it is referring to was altered to drop a constraint?

Which script creates the data dictionary views?

When creating a database, where does Oracle find information about the control files that need to be created?

Which view has information about users who are ghranted SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege?

13. User SCOTT has opened a SQL * Plus session and left for lunch. When you queired the V$SESSION view, the STATUS was INACTVE. You terminated SCOTT’s session in V$SESSION?


What is Trigger at one Line?

Explaint the nvl2 function

What is the process of upgrading oracle forms /reports from older version to new versions?

How many codds rule should oracle satisfies

What is the difference between object library and pl/sql library

List out differences between Oracle Server 9i and Oracle Server 10g.

Explain truncate with restore option with example

What is the difference between Anonymous Block and subprogram? Can we call a procedure from Anonymous PL/SQL block?

How to get a calender in date field in oracle forms?

I have a server with 2GB RAM.Who is the optimal size for the shared pool size The shared pool reserved size is 1/10 to shared pool size Is there a mathematic type for compute the shared pool size ?

I want to know there any special way to login into oracle SQL*PLUS Editor directly..Rather than every time u have enter user,password,host string...what should i do with login.sql script.. i Put it in /Bin directory..but not working..

Explaint the nvl2 function

When transporting a tablespace from one database to another, it should be a. Read-only. b. Offline. c. Online. d. Tablespace status does not matter.

Which NLS parameter can be specified only as an environment variable? a. NLS_LANGUAGE b. NLS_LANG c. NLS_TERRIROTY d. NLS_SORT

Which parameter in the export file is used to specify a structure –only export (no rows)? a. ROWS b. TABLE c. NODATA d. DIRECT

What does the parameter DIRECT=Y in the export parameter file signify? a. When exporting table data, bypass the SQL buffer cache and read the data blocks directly form the disk to the export file. b. When exporting table data, bypass the SQL processing layer and read data from disk to the buffer cache, and copy them directly to the export files c. When importing data using the export file create, write data blocks directly to the file, rather than going through the buffer. d. To perform a direct import, the export file must be created sing the direct method.

Choose the statement that is not true. Direct-path load a. Disables insert triggers on the table and enables them after the load completes. b. Disables referential integrity constraints and enables them after the load completes. c. Disables unique constraints and enables them after the load completes. d. Does not disable any constraints or triggers.

Which utility would you use to refresh the test table with production data? a. SQL*Loader conventional path b. SQL * Loader direct path c. Export/import d. SQL * Plus direct-load insert

To use the transportable tablespace feature, the block size of the target and source database should be a. 4KB b. Same size c. Not larger that 16KB d. Different size

If you run the ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT + ‘DDMMYY” statement, which dictionary view would you query to see the value of the parameter? a. V$SESSION_PARAMETERS b. NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS c. NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS d. V$SESSION

Choose two reasons why you would use a direct –path load instead of a conventional-path load. a. To restrict users from performing b. To perform parallel loads c. To disable the generation of redo log entries if the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. d. The table has many indexes, and the temporary tabelspace is small.

Which two parameters must you specify when importing the metadata information into the target database while transporting tablespaces? a. DATAFILES b. TABLESPACES c. TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE d. TTS_OWNERS

Choose two NLS parameters that cannot be modified using the ALTER SESSION statement. a. NLS_CHARACTERSET b. NLS_SORT c. NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET d. NLS_TERRITORY

20. Which command is used to define CONNECT and RESOURCE as the default roles for user JAMES? a. ALTER USER b. ALTER ROLE c. SET ROLE d. SET PRIVILEGE

19. What is accomplished when you issue the following statement? ALTER USER JOHN DEFAULT ROLE ALL; a. John is assigned all the roles created in the database b. Future roles granted to John will not be default roles c. All of John’s roles are enabled, except the roles with passwords d. All of John’s roles are enabled when connecting to the database

18. How do you enable a role? a. ALTER ROLE b. ALTER USER c. SET ROLE d. ALTER SESSION

Which role in the following list is not a predefined role from Oracle? a. SYSDBA b. CONNECT c. IMP_FULL_DATABASE d. RESOURCE

16. To grant the SELECT privilege on the table CUSTOMER to all users in the database, which statement would you use? a. GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER TO ALL USERS; b. GRANT ALL ON CUSTOMER TO ALL; c. GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER TO ALL; d. GRANT SELECT ON CUSTOMER TO PUBLIC;

Which data dictionary view can be queried to see whether a user has the EXECUTE privilege on a procedure? a. DBA_SYS_PRIVS b. DBA_TAB_PRIVS c. DBA_PROC_PRIVS d. SESSION_PRIVS

Which clause should be specified to enable the grantee to grant the system privilege to other users? a. WITH GRANT OPTION b. WITH ADMIN OPTION c. CASCADE d. WITH MANAGE OPTION

Which view would you query to see whether John has the CREATE TABLE privilege? a. DBA_SYS_PRIVS b. DBA_USER_PRIVS c. DBA_ROLE_PRIVS d. DBA_TAB_PRIVS

User JAMES has a table named JOBS created on the tablespace USERS. When you issue the following statement, what effect will it have on the JOBS table? ALTER USER JAMES QUOTA 0 ON USERS; a. No more rows can be added to the JOBS table b. No blocks can be allocated to the JOBS table c. No new extents can be allocated to the JOBS table d. The table JOBS cannot be accessed

Which clause in the CREATE USER command can be used to specify no limits on the space allowed in tablespace APP_DATA?

Which dictionary view shows the password expiration date for a user?

Which password parameter in the profile definitions can restrict the user from using the old password for 90 days?

Which resource specifies the value in minutes?

6. When a new user is created, and you do not specify a profile, a. Oracle prompts you for a profile name. b. No profile is assigned to the user. c. THE DEFAULT profile is assigned.

What is the maximum number of profiles that can be assigned to a user?

4. Choose the option that is not true. a. Oracle creates a profile named DEFAULT when the database is created. b. Profiles cannot be renamed. c. DEFULT is a valid name for a profile resource. d. The SESSIONS_PER_USER resource in the DEFAULT profile initially has a value of 5.

3. Which resource is not used to calculate the COMPOSITE_LIMIT? a. PRIVATE_SGA b. CPU_PER_SESSION c. CONNECT_TIME d. LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL

2. Which command is used to assign a profile to an existing use? a. ALTER PROFILE b. ALTER USER c. SET PROFILE d. The profile should be specified when creating the user; it cannot be changed.

1. Profiles cannot be used to restrict. a. CPU time used b. Total time connected to the database c. Maximum time a session can be inactive d. Time spent reading blocks

What is the difference between a unique constraint and a primary key constraint?

Which script creates the CHAINED_ROWS table? A. catproc.sql B. catchain.sql C. utlchain.sql D. No script is necessary: ANALYZE TABLE LIST CHAINED ROWS creates the table.

A constraint is created with the DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE CLAUSE. What does this mean?

Which data dictionary view shows statistical information from the ANALYZE INDEX VALIDATE STRUCTURE command?

14 Which component is not part of the ROWID? A. Tablespace B. Data file number C. Object ID D. Block ID

13. Which line in the following code has an error? 1. ALTER TABEL MY_TABLE 2. STORAGE ( 3. MINEXTENTS 4 4. NEXT 512K) 5. NOLOGGING;

What clause is in the ALTER TABLE command is used to reorganize a table?

Which keyword is not valid of the BUFFER_POOL parameter of the STORAGE clause?

When validating a constraint, why would you specify the EXCEPTIONS clause?

A table is created with an INITRANS value of 2. Which value would you choose for INITRANS of an index created on this table?

Fill in the blank: The parameter MAXTRANS specifies the maximum number of concurrent transactions per ___________________.

How does Oracle determine the extent sizes for a temporary segment? A. From the initialization parameters B. From the tables involved in the sort operation C. Using the default storage parameters for the tablespace D. The database block size

Which two initialization parameters are used by ORACLE to determine the number of rollback segments required for an instance? a. ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS b. TRANSACTIONS c. TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROLLBACK

What can cause the Snapshot too old error?

What is row migration?

Which data dictionary view can be queried to see the OPTIMAL value for a rollback segment? A. DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS B. V$ROLLSTAT C. DBA_SEGMENTS D. V$ROLLNAME

What is the default value of PCTFREE?

How can you fix the MAXEXTENTS reached error for a rollback segment?

What type of rollback segment is used if a tablespace containing an active transactions taken offline?

When does Oracle stop adding rows to a block?

Which portion of the data block stores information about the table having rows in this block?

What is the minimum number of extents a rollback segment can have?

Which data dictionary view would you query to see the free extents in a tablespace?

6. Choose the statement used to manually de-allocate the extents used by a rollback segment. A. ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT R01 DEALLOCATE; B. ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RO1 DROP EXTENTS; C. ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RO1 SHRINK; D. ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT RO1 SIZE 10K.

5. Which storage parameter is applicable only to rollback segments? A. PCTINCREASE B. MAXEXTENTS C. TRANASACTIONS D. None of the above.

What happens if you create a rollback segment in the same tablespace where application data is stored? Choose the best answer. A. The tablespace will be fragmented. B. Performance improves, because when changes are made, undo information can be written to the same tablespace. C. There should be a minimum of two data files associated with the tablespaces when rollback segments are created. D. None of the above is true.

Which parameter specifies the number of transaction slots in a data block?

When a table is updated, where is the before image information (which can be used for undoing the changes) stored?

Place the following logical storage structures in order-from the smallest logical storage unit to the largest. A. Segment B. Block C. Tablespace D. Extent

19. If you issue ALTER TABLESPACE USERS OFFLINE IMMEDIATE, which of the following statements is true? A. All data files belonging to the tablespace must be online. B. Does not ensure that the data files are available. C. Need not doe media recovery when bringing the tablespace online. D. Need to do media recovery when bringing the tablespace online.

How would you determine how much sort space is used by a user session?

Which statement is true regarding the SYSTEM tablespace? A. Can be me made read only. B. Can be offline. T C. Data files can be renamed. D. Data files cannot be resized

14. Which statement is false? A. Dictionary-managed temporary tablespace can be made permanent. B. The size of the locally managed temporary tablespace file cannot be changed. C. Once created, the extent management of a tablespace cannot be altered. D. A locally managed permanent tablespace cannot be made temporary.

13. The database block size is 4KB. You created a tablespace using the following command. CREATE TABLESPACE USER_DATA DATAFILE ‘C:/DATA01.DBF’; If you create an object in the database without specifying any storage parameters, what will be the size of the third extent that belongs to the object?

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